An unseasonably warm evening and Zumba dancing brought out a record crowd to the Keller Williams concert at Kings Harbor Plaza last Friday night (Jan. 22). Concert goers listened to the Latin beat of the band Dozziz Tropical and danced under the direction of 13 Zumba instructors from area health clubs.
Tag: kingwood
Exercise for a Good Cause: Lake Houston Family YMCA Bridge Fest 5K
The Lake Houston Family YMCA in Kingwood is holding its 18th Annual Bridge Fest 5K on Sat., Feb. 6 starting at 7:45 a.m.
The Bridge Fest presented by the Kingwood Medical Center is a 5K Family Fun Run across the Lake Houston Parkway Bridge, linking Kingwood and Atascocita.
Kleenwood Day Keeps Kingwood Beautiful
Since 2003, the Kingwood Chamber of Commerce has been picking up where others have messed up. The Kingwood Chamber’s 2010 Travis McCormick Kleenwood Day is scheduled for Saturday, January 30 from 9 a.m. to noon. You can help show your community pride by helping to pick up trash in your Village.
Keller Williams Northeast Begins Blog
Keller Williams Realty Northeast is kicking off the New Year with a new blog. Each week in 2010, Keller Williams will keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings in the local real estate market and in the Northeast Houston community. If you have a topic that you would like us to blog about, contact us HERE.